A sustained release bolus containing six trace elements and three vitamins. Designed for grazing or forage fed livestock with a liveweight over 150 kg.
- Optimise growth rates in youngstock
- Easier, cleaner calvings
- Strong, healthy calves
- Reduced calving spread
- Optimise conception rates
- Optimise general condition
- Both boluses applied in one single, simple application
- Full range of trace elements
- Active life of 240 days
Administer two boluses per animal. We advise a minimum weight of 200 kg in larger continental breeds.
Always use the recommended Agrimin cattle bolus applicator A.  Both boluses can be inserted into the bolus applicator at the same time so that only one application is required. This saves time and makes administration much easier.
ALL-TRACE® CATTLE boluses are packed in units of 20 (enough for 10 cattle).