Blackleg Vaccine 50ml


Blackleg is a generally fatal bacterial disease of young cattle or sheep of any age.

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Blackleg Vaccine

For the active immunisation of cattle and sheep against disease associated with infections caused by Clostridium chauvoei (Blackleg and post-parturient gangrene).

Blackleg is a generally fatal bacterial disease of young cattle or sheep of any age. The disease is seen as acute, localised inflammation of
muscle tissue due to growth of the blackleg organism. This is followed by generalised toxemia or poisoning of the animal causing rapid
death. It can affect cattle and sheep; cattle 6 to 18 months old are most commonly affected.

Dosage & Administration

The vaccine should be administered by subcutaneous injection in the lateral side of the upper neck observing aseptic precautions.

Cattle and sheep: 2 ml/dose.


  • Two injections separated by an interval of 3-4 weeks to animals from 3 months of age onwards.
  • Immunisation to be completed 2-3 weeks before the period of risk.
  • Revaccination with a single booster injection 2-3 weeks before the period of risk.
  • The interval for booster injections should be no more than 12 months.


  • Two injections should be given, preferably separated by an interval of at least 6 weeks, with the second vaccination being given 3-4 weeks before lambing.
  • Subsequent pregnancies: a single booster injection 3-4 weeks before lambing.
  • Ewes can be vaccinated during late pregnancy.
  • Lambs may be vaccinated from 3 weeks of age onwards: two injections with an interval of 3-4 weeks to be completed 2-3 weeks before the period of risk.

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