- Benefits of Calseadigest+►► Rumen complex with 3 buffers and 3 specific rumen minerals
►► Control of ruminal pH and stimulation of rumen microbes for a better digestion of the diet
►► Tri-sodium supply on block support for self-regulation and increased production of endogenous bicarbonate
►► High content of trace elements, rich in zinc for strengthening the feet
►► Calseagrit Biotech: ruminal activator
►► Amaferm: enhances fibre digestibility - Why Use Calseadigest+►► Support of high fibre diet
►► Stimulates salivation and reduces the risk of acidosis (pH support)
►► Maintenance of the rumen function digestion and appetite
►► Improve the digestion of Silage & Concentrates diets
►► Supply of trace elements for maintenance - Composition & MacronutrientsSodium 19.5%
Calcium 7.5%
Magnesium 2.4%
Phosphorus 2%
Sulphur 1%
Enhancer of Digestibility (mg/kg)
AMAFERM® 5,000
Trace elements (mg/kg)
Zinc 9,750
Manganese 4,000
Copper 1,625
Iodine 100
Cobalt 40
Selenium 10
Dairy cows, beef cattle