Flectron eartags can control flies for up to 4 months when used as directed. For maximum benefit they should therefore be applied at the beginning of the season before fly populations build up. For complete control the entire herd should be tagged.
One tag per animal is usually sufficient to achieve acceptable levels of fly control. However, where head and face fly attack is very severe, two tags may be necessary, one on each ear.
Each tag contains 935 mg Cypermethrin
- Nuisance flies: Face fly (Musca autumnalis)
- Head fly (Hydrotea irritans)
- Biting flies: Horn fly (Haematobia irritans syn Lyperosia irritans)
- Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
- Cattle biting fly (Haematobia stimulans syn Haematobosca stimulans)