Green Valley Gold Sward Grass Seed


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Green Valley Gold Sward Grass Seed.

Dual purpose grass seed mix with a very close heading date spread.

12kg bag

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Free Shipping: Nationwide delivery €7.99. Free Delivery applies to all online orders over €199 excluding pallet items.

Dual-purpose grass seed mix with a similar heading date spread.
A 55:45 diploid tetraploid grass seed mix.
Gold Sward will result in a dense leafy sward suited to intensive animal production systems.
Mixture designed for an early graze, followed by a cut of silage in May/June and good grazing afterwards.

3.0kg Abergain(T)

2.7kg Aberspey(T)

3.0kg Aberchoice(D)

2.7kg Abermagic(D)

Note: Diploid (D) & Tetraploid (T) varieties are shown by the presence of the symbol after the variety name.


Abergain (T):
It has 4 stars for grazing utilization, which shows remarkable digestibility given its excellent overall yield.
A variety that has a very even growth habit through Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Highest DMD of any variety in its category and can be used in a grazing or silage mixture.

Aberspey (T):
1st Year on the DAFM Recommended List and the top Tetraploid variety on the PPI with a score of €240.
Excellent quality figures, top for DMD on overall PPI.
Much sought after variety for either grazing or silage.

Top late heading diploid variety on the PPI with a score of €174.
Very good Summer & Autumn growth and can also be used in a silage or grazing mixture.
One of the four late heading diploids that have a positive score for quality on the Teagasc PPI.


Excellent Diploid variety with a PPI of €198, with excellent seasonal growth, with an Autumn growth figure of 74.
DMD is very good, 2nd highest in its category.
It has 3 stars for grazing utilization and also scores well in a silage cutting situation.

Aberherald Clover:
Medium Leaf Clover, well suited for a grazing situation.


Liffey Mills Green Valley Grass Seed

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