A blend of 4 intermediate heading varieties that is formulated for an intensive silage situation.
This mix is used where the first cut silage is to be taken by mid-May and subsequent cuts afterwards.
All varieties have compact heading dates to ensure quality and dense swards for superb silage.
2.5kg Aberclyde (T)
2.2kg Barwave (T)
3.7kg Abermagic (D)
3.0kg Aberwolf (D)
0.6kg Alice White Clover
Aberclyde (T):
In the top 3 of the Teagasc PPI at €229, when doingan intensive silage mix Aberclyde must be used.
Consistent growth figures across the season which guarantees good yields in either a 2 or 3 cut system.
Excellent variety for grazing afterwards with 4 stars for grazing utilization.
 Barwave (T):
Another intermediate heading variety with exceptionalspring growth with a score of €84.00.
Earliest heading tetraploid variety in its category allowing you to take an early cut of silage in early to mid-May.
Abermagic (D):
Intermediate heading diploid that yields well in the Autumn.
Combined with the above two varieties will ensure yield in the 3rd cut.
DMD is very good and the highest in its category.
Aberwolf (D):
Slightly later heading date (30th May) than the above varieties.
Highest silage score of any intermediate diploid variety.
Excellent ground cover which ensures persistency in the sward.
Alice White Clover
A large leaved variety. Good annual yield. Well suited for Silage Production.