Lambing Pack now only €74.00
Retail Value €87.00
Liffey Mills Lambing Pack is the farmer’s essential pack to assist in the safe delivery of new lambs. Included in the kit are items for delivery and also elements that can be used where needed to bolster new lambs and aid in their overall development.
Lambing Pack includes:
- 1 x 2oog Colostrum
- Stomach tube
- Black Nitrile Gloves
- Marker Spray 1 x 400ml
- Lubrication Gel 1ltr
- Lamb Pull On Teat
- First Start Lambs 110ml
- 1 LED Beanie Hat
- 1 x Bucket
The complete Kit is now only € 74.00 The normal retail value is € 87.00 Buy online today and save.
After Birth Lamb Care
A healthy lamb struggles to its feet soon after birth and starts to nurse its dam. Lambs, weak from a protracted delivery should be helped to nurse, or given up to 250 ml of colostrum by stomach tube. This first nursing is critical as the colostrum contains antibodies to give the lamb immediate protection against infectious agents common to the flock. All lambs should nurse or be tube fed colostrum within 6 – 8 hours of birth. In the first 24 hours of life, each lamb should receive about one litre of colostrum. After 36 hours the lamb is unable to absorb any more antibody from the colostrum.