Liffey Mills Dairy Leader 16%, A 16% protein cube flourishing with Maize and Barley as its energy sources. This feed will deliver on performance for the high genetic merit herd. Its slightly lower protein will ensure cows won’t lose excessive body condition post calving, and with the inclusion of digestible fibres and quality proteins this cube can be used right throughout the year to both replenish freshly calved cows and to boost production levels in mid to late season. To give this cube a superior edge we have also included Megalac (a protected fat that increases the cow’s energy supply), LEVUCELL SC (a ruminant specific yeast to aid digestion), Selenium (an organic selenium that supports metabolism and reproduction), Protected Copper (plays an important role in the immune system), full rate minerals and cal-mag. With all of these items included this cube still presents a very respectable UFL value of 0.96 (as fed basis) or 1.11 (dry matter basis) and so should be given serious consideration if you want to get the most from your herd.
Liffey Mills Dairy Leader 16%
Liffey Mills Dairy Leader 16%, A 16% protein cube flourishing with Maize and Barley as its energy sources.